Course Details
Neuromuscular dry needling is based on the current understanding of neurophysiology and functional anatomy. It therefore builds on health professionals existing medical knowledge.
We continue our successful training of health practitioners who look after: AFL, basketball, Cycling, Cricket, Rugby, Hockey, Skiing, Swimming, Tennis, Golf and other elite athletes.
We also teach practitioners who work in pain clinics, and for practitioners that manage aches & pains in the general population.
To date we have successfully trained over 4500 practitioners.
How many CPD points do I get for the courses?
16 points (for the 2 days - plus any pre reading you do) as our course meets the AHPRA requirements.
The lecture series run by Dry Needling Courses allows for quick progress. An initial two day course is sufficient to get you started.
We teach:
Doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and myotherapists.
Numbers are kept small to ensure plenty of practice, with high quality teaching.
Please note: These courses are only suitable for people who are currently members of a recognized statutory regulatory body. Proof of degree is necessary with your registration number.
Would you like a course at your workplace?
Just email us at
Why do practitioners choose us?
All our courses meet AHPRA requirements.
Australian Society of Acupuncture Physiotherapists (ASAP) recommend a minimum of 12 hours face to face training; we provide 16 hours to ensure high quality training.
Free lunch and coffee, fruit & biscuits both days, we only use pain free premium needles.
We teach Pain Free, Safe Neuromuscular Dry Needling Techniques.
Refresher (All Courses), "Sharpen your skills"
Redo any course - get a 15% discount
Learn pain free techniques “needle smarter not harder”,
Bound Manual ($50) Evidence based articles ($35)
Tools of the trade Starter pack MYOTECH (250 Needles), Satchel and many other items $50
Free life time support
Free monthly research articles
$135 of free items included in the course.
“Australia’s Select Physio Dry Needling Course”
Get the Tools of the trade Now…………
We only use
supplied by
Beginners to Intermediate, Level 1
2 day course
- History of dry needling
- Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points
- Introduction to neuromuscular dryneedling
- Dangers and Contraindications
- Safe needle practice (OH&S)
- Reactor types & Trigger point patterns
- Thoracic Pain, CTJ area, Triceps, Biceps
- Neck pain, head aches, shoulder pain, LBP, chronic sciatica
- Sports injuries, Tennis elbow, golfers elbow, knee pain, arthritis, etc
- Superficial and deep dry needling, Periosteal pecking
- Learn to Elicit Local Twitch responses (LTR)
- Neurophysiology of acute and chronic pain mechanism

Advanced Level 2 - Comprehensive
Includes: Advanced Dry Needling and an introduction to: Electro Dry Needling, IASTM, Gua sha and Cupping
2 day course
- Neuromuscular dry needling "needle smarter not harder"
- The latest in trigger point science
- Find SSS – Sensitized Spinal Segments
- Learn unique assessment methods
- Homeostatic Points / Wellness
- Learn to use Use less needles & spend Less time
- Objective measures pre & post needling
- Needle advanced & complex areas: Face, TMJ Pain, Temporal, lateral neck, head, hands, feet, groin / hip area and adductor.
- Needle Iliopsoas ( The LBP – Prankster)
- Complex knee pathologies, effective scar needling
- Ankle, chest, axilla, shoulder and abdominal muscles
- Specific treatments for sports injuries
- Learn about Needle Responsive Areas- improve your effectiveness
- Dry needling in pregnancy
- Learn to use a range of different needles, for different areas, including scar tissue needling
- Learn Non-Dry needling techniques: cupping, IASTM and Gua Sha

FAST TRACK - Level 1 & 2 Condensed
Beginners to Advanced Dry Needling
Includes: Advanced Dry Needling and an introduction to: Electro Dry Needling, IASTM, Gua Sha and Cupping
2 day course
- Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points, Trigger point patterns
- Introduction to neuromuscular dry needling
- Dangers and Contraindications, Safe needle practice (OH&S)
- Thoracic Pain, CTJ area, Triceps, Biceps
- Neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, LBP, chronic sciatica
- Sports injuries, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, knee pain, arthritis, etc
- Superficial and deep dry needling, Periosteal pecking
- Learn to Elicit Local Twitch responses (LTR)
- Neurophysiology of dry needling
- Needle advanced & complex areas: Face, TMJ Pain, Temporal, lateral neck, head, hands, feet, groin / hip area and adductors
- Needle Iliopsoas ( The LBP – Prankster)
- Complex knee pathologies, effective scar needling
- Ankle, chest, axilla, shoulder
- Learn about Needle Responsive Areas- improve your effectiveness
- Dry needling in pregnancy
- Neuromuscular dry needling "needle smarter not harder"
- Homeostatic Points / Wellness
- Learn to use a range of different needles, for different areas
- Learn Non-Dry needling techniques: Cupping, IASTM and Gua Sha
Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction
A Neuromuscular approach
Includes: Tx, Lx, abdominals & LL
2 day course
- Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points, Trigger point patterns
- Learn neuromuscular dry needling
- Pain science, sensitisation of PNS and CNS.
- The needling effect on the PNS, CNS, ANS, and the Micturition systems.
- Dangers and Contraindications, Safe needle practice (OH&S)
- Areas taught: thoracic, lumbar, abdominals and pelvic and part of the lower limb.
- Also includes: Pelvic, Lumbar, Sacral pain and urogenital conditions; such as: OAB, CPPS, Pudendal neuralgia etc.
- Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Menopause, IBS, Faecal incontinence, etc.
- Moreover: scar needling will be taught for C- section, pelvic and Lx- scars
- Effective dry needling techniques (as well as electro dry needling) are taught, targeting - trigger points, tendinopathy, enthesopathy, myotomes, dermatomes.
- Sacral nerves, tibal nerve, pudendal nerve, fascial lines and other important structures
- Anxiety and stress play an integral role in pain perception. Dry needling/ acupuncture has been shown to decrease neural activity in the limbic system and modulate the pain experience.
- Note: this course does not cover intimate, internal pelvic floor needling.
Upper limb Specific Dry Needling Course
Beginner to Advanced level
Includes: Electro Dry needling.
1.5 day course
- History of dry needling
- Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points
- Introduction to neuromuscular dry needling
- Dangers and Contraindications
- Safe needle practice (OH&S)
- Reactor types & Trigger point patterns
- Thoracic Pain, Lower neck area (upper trapezius), Triceps, Biceps
- Neck pain, head aches, Rotator cuff / shoulder pain,
- Tendinopathies, Tennis elbow, golfers elbow,
- Forearm pain, wrist pain, thumb pain, hand pain, ligament.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome, De Quervain, brachioradialis
- Superficial and deep dry needling, Periosteal pecking
- Learn to Elicit Local Twitch responses (LTR)
- Neurophysiology of acute and chronic pain mechanism
Also includes: Electro Dry Needling
Exclusive Podiatry Course
Beginner to Advanced (in one course)
2 day course
- Trigger point pain patterns and Tendinopathies
- Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points
- Gluteal pain, TFL, ITB syndrome , Knee pain, hamstrings
- Shin splints, MTSS, peronei , calf pain, heel pain etc.
- Achilles tendinopathies, soleus, gastroc , popliteus
- Ankle pain, foot pain. Tib post, Tib ant, ankle ligaments.
- Joint pain, bursae pain, plantarfasciitis etc
- Superficial to deep intrinsic foot muscles
- Superficial: EHB, EDB, EDL, EHL, Abd Hall, ABDM, FDB
- Deep: QP, FHB, Add hallucis (both heads)
- The interossei, tendon attachments
- Periosteal pecking and effective scar needling
- Neurophysiology of Acute & Chronic pain
- Neuro physiological pain relief mechanism
- Nociceptive pain – neuropathic pain
- Extensive Hands on Dry Needling practice